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Orange Isopods (Porcellio scaber)

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  • Regular price $25.00
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Porcellio scaber “orange”

Porcellio scaber is an easy to keep terrestrial isopod. These bright orange isopods pop out amongst the natural brown and greens of terrariums. This species of isopod does not roll up into a ball, and moves around quite actively!

Qty: Comes in a pack of 15 of various sized individuals.

All isopods are shipped with a small amount of bio-active substrate for their well-being, springtails are often included. 

Tips for Care

Temperature: Temperate or room temperature, avoid extremes.
Humidity: Use high-quality sphagnum moss and ventilation to maintain a humidity gradient in the enclosure.
Food: Detritovore, varied. Fish food, vegetable scraps, brewers yeast, flake soil, decomposing leaf/wood matter.
Substrate: 10cm+ deep detritivore substrate (mix of flake soil, decomposing leaf litter, coco coir)
Decor: Isopods like to stay hidden most of the time in the dark. Provide natural hides such as leaf litter, bark or driftwood. 

It is the buyers responsibility to be fully prepared to receive isopods and care for them to ensure success. If you are unsure or are new to isopods, we have a general care sheet.