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Care Sheet: Flightless Fruit Fly (drosophila melanogaster)
In captivity, drosophila melanogaster is commonly used for studies in labs due to their short lifespan, ease of breeding and genetic selection. Due to this, vestigial wing (small reduced wing) varieties exist. This has made it easier to handle these flies, both for scientists and hobbyists!
Care Sheet: Terrestrial Isopods (slaters, pillbugs and woodlice)
Terrestrial isopods are interesting, as they contain fully terrestrial crustacean species that don't have an aquatic life stage. In the wild and in captivity they serve as nature's clean up crew, living on the ground among leaf litter and fallen logs.
Care Sheet: Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi)
Neocaridina davidi is commonly known as cherry shrimp, but are known under many names due to selective breeding for a range of colours. They are a easy beginner shrimp and are great for aquarists of all kinds. These small shrimp are a delight to watch as they breed and graze on surfaces in aquariums.